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The Fresh CrEd

Welcome to The Fresh CrEd Podcast - The Heartbeat of Produce Innovation.

In a world where the seeds of innovation constantly need nurturing, The Fresh CrEd Podcast stands out as your go-to source for the freshest insights, stories, and trends from the heart of the produce industry. Join hosts Craig Slate and Ed Bertaud as they delve deep into the green fields of produce, bringing you face-to-face with the trailblazers shaping our food's future.

What We Offer:

 Why Listen?
Whether you're a seasoned industry professional or simply someone who cherishes the value of fresh food, The Fresh CrEd Podcast offers a blend of entertainment, education, and inspiration. With Craig and Ed's expert insights and infectious enthusiasm, you're not just listening to a podcast - you're joining a conversation that matters.

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